jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Justin Bieber Gets Upset By Paparazzi In Israel

Justin Bieber has never been shy about his feelings for the paparazzi. In March, while celebrating his 17th birthday in Los Angeles, the teen sensation gave the paps who tried to snap a photo of him and lady love Selena Gomez the middle finger — although the Biebs soon apologized for it. Well, now that he’s abroad taking his My World tour international, he’s still finding himself pestered by the photographers’ prying lenses
On Tuesday, he took to Twitter to call out the paparazzi for trying to snap photos of him while he was in Israel taking in the sights. “Staying in the hotel for the rest of the week u happy?” he wrote. “People wait their whole lives for opportunities like this, why would they want to take that experience away from someone. They should be ashamed of themselves. Take pictures of me eating but not in a place of prayer, ridiculous.”
Bieber was particularly upset that photographers didn’t leave him alone while he visited sites of spiritual significance. “You would think paparazzi would have some respect in holy places,” he lamented. “All I wanted was the chance to walk where Jesus did here in Israel.”
Just one day before, Bieber tweeted about his excitement over being in Israel. “Just amazing place…not a bad day. just wish got a little more space and privacy from the paps to enjoy this time with my family. Thanks,” he wrote. “I’m in the holy land and i am grateful for that. I just want to have the same personal experience that others have here.”


Rebecca Black beats Justin Bieber on YouTube!

There was a minute there when Rebecca Black’s “Friday” video was, almost literally, inescapable. Whether the success of the viral hit was being covered on such unlikely outlets as CNN or NPR, getting parodied on late-night television, or just bouncing around from Twitter accounts to e-mail in-boxes and music blogs, the tune by the previously unknown 13-year-old had the kind of white-hot media buzz usually reserved for a Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber.
Well, guess what? The little $2,000 pay-to-play ditty-that-could can now claim to have surpassed such major label juggernauts as Bieber and Gaga. According to a Reuters report, the no-budget clip for Black’s song has been viewed more than 100 million times on YouTube since it was released on February 10, surpassing the totals for Gaga’s “Born This Way” and Bieber’s “Pray” videos, based on numbers provided by Visible Measures, a company that tracks the performance of Web videos.
Scratch that. If you count spoofs, other versions and home-brewed takes on the song, it’s actually been seen more than 200 million times. Crunching the same numbers for “Born This Way,” it has generated 180 million online views, while “Pray” has racked up 65 million.
It doesn’t seem as though Gaga minds the competition from the Ark Music Factory product, as she reportedly referred to “Friday” as “genius” recently. Black told us she “freaked out” when she heard the compliment from Mother Monster. “I’m 13 and I never thought Lady Gaga would even know my name. I’m the kind of girl that dances to Lady Gaga with a hairbrush in her room at night,” Black told MTV News in late March before she notched her YouTube record.

JB´s News

Justin Bieber wants to pursue an acting career

Teen pop star Justin Bieber wants to be an actor. The Canadian singer, who has previously guest starred on US crime show CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, wants another role in front of the camera. Speaking on Australia's The Kyle & Jackie O Show, the 17-year-old said: "I definitely want to do more acting, and further my career in that area, that's something I would love to do." Bieber also revealed that his biopic, Never Say Never, wasn't scripted - and when his grandma told him to tidy his room, he had to do it. He added: "It wasn't scripted, whenever I'm at my grandmother's she always tells me to clean up after myself, especially when I'm at home, but I'm not at home that often, I really don't have a room at this point, it's just kind of travelling all the time.

Justin Bieber talks about what he loves and hates

Justin Bieber has told how Beyoncé is the 'hottest' celebrity and spaghetti is his favourite food. The teen sensation was speaking to Sydney's 2DayFM radio station by phone from Israel as he continues his world tour. He also said 'there are good bits' to both being with a girlfriend and to being single, and that his mum is his 'favourite person in the world'. He said he "wouldn't be with a girl" if she had bad breath or body odour. Justin also said, "I would love to perform with Stevie Wonder or Beyoncé." The 17-year-old also revealed his father Jeremy will be visiting Israel to see him in the next few days. He said, "He's coming to see me in like a week in Israel so I'm really excited about that, we have a good relationship and it's growing every da

Justin Bieber's hair gets a bodyguard

Teen heartthrob Justin Bieber's famous hair is touring the US with its own bodyguard. According to British newspaper the Daily Star, Justin's locks are being showcased to fans from the safety of a glass box. Last month, the U Smile singer gave US talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres, 53, a lock of his hair, which she sold on eBay for 25,000 to Golden Palace Casino. And then the 17-year-old agreed to donate some of it to raise money to help Japan's earthquake and tsunami victims. Now the precious hair is being carried around in a glass case with the star's autograph after the casino loaned it out for a tour. The first stop was Lucky Strike Lanes in Miami, Florida.

By: Paula Falcón

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011



BIEBER FACT #1 .-JB says he gets shy around girls sometimes. "If i really like a girl, I get nervous."
BIEBER FACT #2 .-Justin Bieber has known Ludacris ever since Usher introduced them in Atlanta at the start of JB's career
BIEBER FACT #3 .-has around 30 caps and 20 sneakers
BIEBER FACT #4 .-Bustin Jieber loves McDonalds. He stops there before or after concerts occasionally :)
BIEBER FACT #5 .-Justin is claustraphobic
BIEBER FACT #6 .- Justin loves a girl in conversse and he don't like a girl waering uggs (boots).
BIEBER FACT #7 .-Bieber has admitted to prefering brunettes, but he is open-minded
BIEBER FACT #8 .-used to busk outside of a Stratford theater and made $3,000
BIEBER FACT #9 .- Diddy teased that he would get him a Lamborghini for his 16th birthday. :P instead he got a Range Rover
BIEBER FACT #10 .- JB shakes his hair every 5 minutes



Michael Jackson may have dubbed himself the King of Pop, but the late icon didn’t hold the box-office crown for long. Less than a year after the posthumous MJ documentary “This Is It” became the most successful concert-themed film in U.S. history, Justin Bieber is poised to snatch the mantle.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never” has earned $72.2 million in domestic box office so far, passing Jackson’s $72.1 million haul. And while Bieber has racked up those impressive numbers in just six weeks, he’s got a long way to go before he laps the global receipts for the MJ doc.
“This Is It” has grossed $189.1 million overseas for a global total of $261.2 million. Music films don’t typically play well overseas, and THR noted that “Never Say Never” has grossed a more modest $10.8 million overseas so far, with Paramount executives predicting that it could top out around $20 million internationally.
The impressive U.S. numbers were likely goosed by the re-release of the film recently with 40 additional minutes of bonus footage from director Jon M. Chu. Bieber still has a little way to go to climb the list of the top-grossing documentaries of all time. “Never Say Never” is currently stalled out at the #3 position, around $5 million behind “March of the Penguins,” according to Box Office Mojo, and well short of the all-time record held by Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11,” which has taken in $119.1 million to date.
Bieber set off a classic MJ-style fan frenzy a few weeks ago when he visited Liverpool, England, for his world tour. And just a week later, he posed with his new wax figure at London’s Madame Tussauds, checking off another item on the list of milestones to an MJ-like career.
Source: MTV News







• Justins's Twitter @JustinBieber
• iTunes My World 2.0
• Youtube Youtube.com/JustinBieber
• Facebook Facebook.com/JustinBieber
• Myspace MySpace.com/JustinBieber
• Bebo Bebo.com/JustinBieberMusic


OceanUP.com Rihanna, Justin Bieber And U2 are now compiling a digital-only album to raise funds for the Japanese quake and tsunami victims. Justin: ‘Japan is one of my favorite places on earth..
..it’s an incredible culture with amazing people. My prayers go out to them. We all need to help, by being one of the first on board for the project.’ Lady Gaga has designed a Japan Prayer Bracelet

Justin Bieber apoya a PETA y se corta el pelo

Justin Bieber, el niño prodigio de la nueva generación, causa verdadera sensación al hacer público su apoyo incondicional a las actividades a favor de los derechos de animales maltratados o perseguidos con fines alimenticios o lucrativos, hablamos de la organización internacional PETA. El cantante canadiense ha prescindido de su melena tradicional para que sea subastada y apoyar con estos recursos a sustentar los esfuerzos que realiza PETA a favor de los animales desprotegidos.
Con esta actitud desprendida y solidaria, Justin Bieber da un verdadero ejemplo a muchos artistas que a pesar de la cruda realidad, hacen caso omiso e ignoran su compromiso social como figuras públicas.
Lastimosamente algunas fans de Justin Bieber, han decidido dar de baja sus cuentas en la red social del cantante en Tweeter, posiblemente porque desconocen la verdadera razón del cambio de look del cantante. Aproximadamente 80.000 fans, no obstante el cantante cuenta con el apoyo de más de 7 millones de seguidores en Tweeter y 21 millones en la red de Facebook, un verdadero record!
Bieber cortó su cabello durante la grabación de su nuevo videoclip, en el que aparece con la banda country The Rascal Flatts. Justin Bieber cuenta también con una figura de cera en su honor en el museo Madame Tussauds en New York, aparte del filme Justin Bieber 3D: Never say Never, una especie de biografía y repaso de sus éxitos. Felicidades a Justin por dar ejemplo a las nuevas generaciones!!

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Justin's new song "next to you"! ft.chris brown

next to you - justin bieber ft. chris brown


Hola Perruchos!! y Los Demas.. jaja
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hola a todos espero que les guste este blog! ya que habla sobre el guapisismo y sexy de justin bieber <3
sigan disfrutando y viendo de nuestras noticias!
gracias a todos por los que nos siguen los amamos!

Justindrewdaily.com has teamed up with the new ‘Bieber Fever’ DVD And we are holding a competition! And it will be announced when there facebook page gets 500 likes! So LIKE it now, by clicking the image above to go to their facebook!

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

Never Say Never: 3D Movie
Role: Himself
Release: February, 2011

Never Say Never: The Remixes
Type: Movie Soundtrack
Release: 14th February, 2011

First Step to Forver: My Story
Type: Book
Release: 14th October, 2010

After posting dozens of homemade videos on YouTube in 2007, where the multi-talented Bieber put his impeccable spin on songs from artists like Usher, Ne-Yo and Stevie Wonder, Justin racked up over 10,000,000 views purely from word of mouth. Seven months after Justin started posting his videos online, former So So Def marketing executive Scooter Braun flew the then 13-year old singer to Atlanta, GA to meet with his elite colleagues. As if Justin’s natural singing talent wasn’t enough to impress Scooter’s inner circle, Braun knew Bieber was also a self-taught musician who plays the drums, guitar, piano and trumpet. More?

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

"Justin gets a haircut"

On cutting his hair to Ellen: ‘I was inspired by yours.. Yeah [people were freaking out], but I was like, ‘I don’t really care.” On giving his hair to Ellen: ‘Yes, it’s really my hair, but there’s a perk. I wanted to do something good. I’m giving pieces of it to different people. The thing is, we’re doing something special. We want you to donate it to whatever charity you want.’
Justin may be shirtless in the re-release of ‘Never Say Never’. Jon Chu told MTV: ‘I can’t confirm nor deny those reports, but we do what the fans want. If that’s what the fans want, then they’ll get a little bit more. Maybe some abs!